Holocaust Memorial Berlin

Undoing Human Wrongs

Set-up on Saturday, June 2, 2007, this site has been established to address human rights issues. I have always been disturbed, concerned, and saddened by humanity's preoccupation with fearing difference. Ethnic conflict, criminalizing sexuality, exclusionary processes, political and religious frameworks guaranteeing division; these are ever-present topics taking place in all parts of the world. On the other hand I have always been inspired by communities and states that have moved forward in a quest to guarantee universal rights for all, creating laws which include rather than exclude certain groups. I have also been inspired by individuals who challenge others to think about prejudice, racism- discrimination at all levels. My challenge to friends, family, and the bloggers reading this is to become aware of new places with human rights abuses, learn about inspirational people, send stories, and make people aware. You can send messages out through your own sites, in emails to friends, or to the comments section of my blog. If you have links, videos, literature, etc, that you would like added send me a note (email in my full profile below). Terry

Saturday, June 2, 2007

The LTTE (aka Tamil Tigers) of Sri Lanka- Freedom Fighters or Terrorists?

I've been living in Sri Lanka just over half a year now and have actually felt the deterioration of human rights in this country. Many colleagues who have been here for years say it is the worst period they've ever experienced in the country.

The government claims that the LTTE is a terrorist group, but the LTTE claims that they are fighting for a Tamil homeland due to oppression by the Sinhalese majority. I don't want to choose sides, but I do want to add some points to ponder:

-The LTTE is still involved in recruitment of child soldiers
-The government is censoring the media
-There are hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the east due to the conflict
-There are muslim IDPs living north of Colombo forced out of Jaffna in the north by the LTTE, and are still living as displaced persons after 17 years
-Sri Lanka has increase its military spending
-The present government and the LTTE "seem" to have no intention of returning to peace negotiations
-Foreigners, specifically humanitarian workers, are being treated with suspicion by political parties and as such are being treated as scapegoats by the government
-The LTTE wants a Tamil homeland, but only for those of higher castes. They are not interested in the rights of Tamils from the tea plantations or from the east.

For more information on Sri Lankan news visit: http://www.lankapage.com

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