Holocaust Memorial Berlin

Undoing Human Wrongs

Set-up on Saturday, June 2, 2007, this site has been established to address human rights issues. I have always been disturbed, concerned, and saddened by humanity's preoccupation with fearing difference. Ethnic conflict, criminalizing sexuality, exclusionary processes, political and religious frameworks guaranteeing division; these are ever-present topics taking place in all parts of the world. On the other hand I have always been inspired by communities and states that have moved forward in a quest to guarantee universal rights for all, creating laws which include rather than exclude certain groups. I have also been inspired by individuals who challenge others to think about prejudice, racism- discrimination at all levels. My challenge to friends, family, and the bloggers reading this is to become aware of new places with human rights abuses, learn about inspirational people, send stories, and make people aware. You can send messages out through your own sites, in emails to friends, or to the comments section of my blog. If you have links, videos, literature, etc, that you would like added send me a note (email in my full profile below). Terry

Friday, November 6, 2009

Somalia: At Least it Keeps Human Rights Groups Busy

The latest news comes out of Somalia where an "adulterer" has been stoned to death. If that isn't bad enough, his pregnant girlfriend has been spared UNTIL she gives birth, at which point she will also be stoned to death and the child given to her family to take care of...

"Meanwhile, President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed has accused al-Shabab of spoiling the image of Islam by killing people and harassing women."Their actions have nothing to do with Islam," said the moderate Islamist during a ceremony at which he nominated a new administration for the capital, Mogadis
hu." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/8347216.stm

Of course this has nothing to do with Islam...since when do any acts which harm, torture, or marginalize people have anything to do with any religion? Humans have learned to harness power and corruption to meet their own needs, sad but true.

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